
Winter Lecture

  • Shabbat Dinner & Inspirational Lecture
    Fri, Feb 14, 6:00pm at the Jewish Discovery Center | Couvert $18
    RSVP Below | Email [email protected] or call/whatsapp 570-587-3300 for more info

  • DR. YEHUDAH PRYCE, DSW, MSW, served over 16 years in jail for a non-violent robbery committed when he was a teenager. During his time in prison, Yehuda underwent a profound transformation, sparking an extraordinary transition from a life mired in gang violence to one deeply rooted in Jewish observance.

    Since his release in October 2018, Yehudah underwent a halachic conversion to Judaism, completed his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, and obtained his Masters and Doctorate degrees in Social Work. He now works as a clinical social worker for a collaborative court program for young adults in Orange County and as the senior director of national mental health and well-being programs for a national non-profit organization. Additionally, Yehudah provides psychotherapy to individuals inside prison.

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